I went to bed the other night, and when I woke up in the morning (it being a working day, natch, my wake up time on any other day cannot be called 'morning' with any amount of imagination, unless you live in, say, Botswana), my salivary glands had started secreting acid instead of saliva. At least, that was what my throat told me.
Being me, I had to get a look at that lying slime of a throat (I have never known the parotids to secrete acid before), which was why my mom found me standing in front of the mirror with my mouth wide open, and a flashlight in my tonsils. (The flashlight was not in my tonsils, it only looked that way to my mom.)
Do you know what an inflamed pharynx looks like? More to the point, do you know what my inflamed pharynx looks like? If you don't, count yourself out of that unlucky class of people known as my friends. They are also intimately familiar with every crypt on my tonsils, the number of papillae on my tongue, and other stuff they did not really want to know, like the number of teeth in my mouth.
The most disturbing comment about my pharynx came from The Star, who said, "You have a big mouth."
Point taken. :(
P. S. For those of you who are worried about me, it was only a slight pharyngitis (although it felt like I was dying), and I am loads better now.
P. S. 2. My posting is going well, I promise blog about it 'soon'.
P. S. 3. No one but my ENT will get to see my pharynx again.
P.S. 4. This is my 50th blog post. Thank you, all of you!
Hheheeh...congrats on the 50 th post and also the different names for the throat and its depths...
Not impressed with "pharynx". "Adenoids" sounds simply impressive and Greek.
However, when we were young (55 years ago), they used to make us do "Aaaaa" and apply (with a cotton on a piece of stick), a thing called 'mendol's paint" on our Pharyngeal/adenodal khaddaas, and then we used to also do decent gargling in a very audible manner with salt water.
Always worked....:-)
congrats on your 50th post! hope you have recovered well from your pharyngitis and not left with any post pharyngitic complications!
is pharyngitis related to laryngitis? first cousins perhaps?
anyways, glad u r feeling better and we r looking for u to hit a century ...
glad that the blog's not suffering from laryngitis...keep those posts coming...
congratz on 50. keep posting and get well soon...
This was an awesome 50th post by any standard, and guess I was lucky to hit upon such a "momentous" post on my first visit to your blog.
Nevertheless, get well soon and keep posting.
Congrats on the 50th post AP. Hope you are doing well now.
oh!...what abt ur cough??....ent subj is little messy no...
blogrolling u:)
Tagged are you
Hey! Touched 50! Good going doc.
Hope you are fine now.
Happy 5oth.
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