Tuesday, June 17, 2008

My Horriblest Post Ever

I hate it break it you people this way, but I don't have the energy to write more than a couple of words.

My dad passed away last week.


black coffee said...

well AP i cannot say anything to allay your grief.. only i know how it feels like.(well i lost my dad too!)
hang in there girl!
my condolences to you..

broca's area said...

my sincere condolences!!.:)

Anonymous said...

hang in there sweetie..thats heart-breaking news....my sincerest wishes that u may find the strength to survive...
hugs to u :(

~nm said...

A whaaat??? What happened? Was he unwell or something?

Hope you are doing well girl! And so are your family members! **Hugs**

Anonymous said...

my sincere condolences. I hope and pray the God gives you and your loved ones the strength to come through this period of grief

Prats said...

My condolences to you and the family. Hang in there sweety...life will get more acceptable.

Take care *hugs*

Anonymous said...

Sincere condolences to you and your family. Take care.

Sairekha said...

I'm so sorry!!! **Hugs!** May God rest his good soul in peace. Just hang in there sweetie...

And, If there's anything, just anything I can do, just let me know.

Vinesh said...

my heartfelt condolences.

may his soul rest in peace.

Tys on Ice said...

iam so sorry...didnt know wht to say...how u doing ? will mail u.

Tea N. Crumpet said...

My dad, as you know, also died 18 months or so ago. I know somewhat of how you feel, although it's not exactly.

While we don't believe the same things, I know that we can find similarities and that you will understand when I say, "May your father's memory be Eternal."

Pallavi said...

Really sorry to hear this.. My condolences and prayers for the soul that has passed on..

First time here.. will be back. :)

Mithrandir said...

my sincerest condolences. may his soul rest in peace and may God give you the strength to bear the grief.

Bullshee said...

Our prayers are with you...

Sahefa said...

I know how it feels...build some strength...everything's gonna be all right
Best of luck

Anonymous said...

So sorry to hear this. may god rest his soul in peace.

aMus said...


hang in there , girl...and praying you find teh strength to be strong...

take care,

Cathy said...

Haven't visited your blog in a while...and I was shocked to see this post. So sorry to hear of your loss. Take care. xx

Tys on Ice said...

how u doing girl?

freudian slip said...

i have been a visitor.


Nikhil Narayanan said...

Oh god!
My heartfelt condolences.

Tea N. Crumpet said...

I'm still thinking of you-- and my thoughts are also of your mother.

Prats said...

How are you doing?? Take care , girl....our thoughts are always with u...

silverine said...

Oh my God! My condolences sweety! May his soul rest in peace! Really sad to hear this! :(


Parul said...


I dont know what to say.
Take care of yourself and you mom.

Somebody Else said...

Delete this post and get back to writing. Grieve no more. You don't deserve any of it.

smalltowndoc said...

Really sorry.

sinusoidally said...

I just read this. Sorry for your loss. Hope you are doing well. Good luck with everything.